Product placements and paid sponsorships help make much of the world’s content economically viable, but creating the right match between advertiser and content producer isn’t always...
My Elite Grocer (MEG) is a lifestyle management solution for People On The Go, who would rather be someplace other than Standing-in-Line for Groceries. The site...
Five year old textbook rental startup Chegg is really starting to ramp up sales, we’ve heard. The average college student, they say, spends $900 per year...
Blogging may have been invented during the last recession, but that doesn’t mean it’s immune from tough economic times. Six Apart, the San Francisco startup that...
It is not only retail stores that are feeling the pinch as shoppers close their wallets just ahead of the holiday season. E-commerce sales, though still...
OK, that title seems a little redundant, right? I mean, LinkedIn is a business networking site. However, a lot of people sign up for LinkedIn but...
What a brilliant idea – to ask Facebook users who are supporters of US Presidential Candidate Barack Obama to donate their Facebook status to remind people...
I happened upon this post on one of the blogs I read daily, It was guest blogged by Jim from This is my 4th...
Bejeweled is a dead simple computer game in which players line up gems of similar shapes and colors. It is also a blockbuster financial success. Downloaded more...
With the exception of Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela, in-house censorship imposed by the operators themselves is what is holding back growth of this service.
Blogging has finally hit Cuba, despite the challenge of gaining access to the Internet and the limited number of home computers on the island, and the...
Yes you read that headline correctly a single blog, started and ran by a single blogger named Johns Wu has sold his blog, to a financial info site...
Google BlogSearch has had a major upgrade, so instead of the trade mark minimalist blank page it resembles Google News-it aggregates the hottest topics in the blogosphere...
As shoppers flock to their computers instead of driving to the mall, entrepreneurs with e-businesses can make a hefty sum. We all know we’re in less-than-stellar economic...
The Web has become a dynamic place, the Mobile Phone the desired third screen many are moving to conquer, both are core elements of any digital...
The following is reprinted from Jason’s List, Jason Calacanis’s email newsletter. Sign up here. (The) Startup Depression .Since stock market gyrations and the elections seem to be...
This is a site that has claimed the number one status. says it’s the #1 Events Calendar for Tech and New Media Professionals in the United States....
Sensei Godin is at it again.Tribes, his new book will be out on October 16 and is described as ” a 147-page, anecdote-filled call to readers...
I found this on written by Taran Rampersad, a Caribbean blogger who also has the most comprehensive list of Caribbean blogs online right now. He’s responding to...