
Do you know who is the Caribbean person with the 4.3 million people Linkedin Audience?



The Caribbean person with the biggest Linkedin Audience is Brigette Hyacinth a bestselling Author, and an International Keynote Speaker on Leadership, Management, HR, Digital Transformation, and Artificial Intelligence. She is Trinidadian.

She has been ranked:

🔹Top 100 HR Influencers (Leadership & Development) of 2018, 2019, 2020 & 2021.
🔹Top 20 EMEA-Based Tech Experts to inspire Digital Transformation Efforts.
🔹Top 100 Most Influential People of African Descent under 40.
🔹Top 75 Remote Work Influencers.

When I assessed her Linkedin Profile two things jumped out at me…

  1. She posts content multiple times a week and in various forms- articles, shorts, quotes, and videos and uses relevant hashtags liberally and consistently. The content is original and curated.
  2. She engages in the comments with her audience.
  3. She executed a massive endorsement strategy on her Linkedin profile
  4. She’s selective about the communities she joins and engages regularly

What a brilliant example of Linkedin Authority and Influence.

As we head into 2023, is Your Linkedin Profile and Content getting you the audience, influence, and opportunities you want?

As you think about that question, let me recommend Anoma.li Agency. It’s a company that helps high-achieving and six-figure entrepreneurs, executives, and influencers to accelerate their Authority and Influence on Linkedin. Whether you’re in the Caribbean, Diaspora Canada, USA, or Europe we can help you do two things, remarkably well.

Because we only do two things!!

Linkedin Profile Makeover & Positioning.

Anoma.li will optimise and reposition your Linkedin profile with a well-written and intentionally crafted narrative that showcases your expertise and deep interests so that it gives you the visibility to attract the right audience and opportunities.

Linkedin Audience & Influence Growth

Anoma.li create and execute a strategy that creates, curates, and remixes your content so that it builds your personal brand, and an engaged audience and attracts high-value connections and opportunities.

40% of B2B marketers see LinkedIn as their most effective channel for driving high quality leads.

Source: Statista 2022

Set up a 15min free audit call with Anoma.li Agency team member. Schedule now: calendly.com/beananomali or email: workwith@anomali.agency with your top questions.

Transparency: I am an investor in Anoma.li Agency. So I’m helping them with some biz dev boost right now. You can use my code IngridRileyJM to get 10% off the service you decide on.

Set up yourself for success in 2023, get a Linkedin Profile Makeover and or get serious about a content strategy that accelerates your Authority and Influence that builds the right audience and opportunities your really want.

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