We heard you, so we’re keeping the Nomination Process Open a little longer.SiliconCaribe Top 50 Caribbean Women in Tech 2022 Nominations OPEN Until Friday, March 4th! Now you can nominate yourself or your favourite Caribbean Women in Tech from the English, Spanish, French Speaking Caribbean, and Diaspora.
The Background
Last year we launched our inaugural annual SiliconCaribe | Top C.W.I.T 50 List!. On Girls in ICT Day Thursday, April 23rd, 2021 we released our First Annual Caribbean Women in Tech Top 50 List. This stellar list which is showcased at CaribbeanTechWomen.com had 50 Women from 14 Countries operating inside 24 tech industry Sectors.
We’re back at it this year, so we’re happy to announce that the Nominations for the 2022 List are now OPEN as our mission to amplify a list of trailblazing, game-changing women who’ve been inspiring and disrupting technology sectors continue.
We know you know women whose work and stories simply must be known and honoured. So help us find them and spotlight them.