
Conquer Your Digital Fears



As the people, trends and opportunities continue to drive the rise of Digital Caribbean, so do people’s fears and questions. This is why I decided to be available in a more direct way and launch a limited coaching programme and here is why. 

The #1 obstacle faced by executives and entrepreneurs is knowing what to do,  where to start and how to start to make all of this digital stuff work for them.

– Are you feeling overwhelmed by all of the digital trends, platforms and opportunities?

– Don’t know if what you’re doing now is really working ?

– Unsure about if you really need to be everywhere or should you focus on a few key things?

– Are blogs still relevant?

– Do I need to start a podcast now?

– Should I build a personal brand or market the business first?

– Youtube or Instagram Stories?

– Facebook Ads vs Google Ads?

– What is this Messenger marketing?

Everything leads you to that same frustrating questions

“ How am I actually going to make this work for me? ”

The only thing that has consistently helped people in your position, is personalised advice from someone who’s steeped in the digital space and can help you get clear.

Sometimes you just need someone to tell you what to do.



Over the past couple of months I’ve offered private coaching sessions to both baby-boomer consultants and millennial entrepreneurs with startups or business that are stuck.

Here is what my client Marguerite Orane, 62 year old, a Harvard trained, Jamaican leadership/business consultant based in Toronto.

She said. “Highly recommend Ingrid, she’s help me strategise and  get clear about what I need to do daily to use digital to grow my online community and build my business. She’s patient, helped me build confidence about this digital space, answers all my questions and I’ve seen the benefits, noticed the results.”


After the first strategy session with millennial client Ayanna, 32 year old Jamaica-based fashion illustrator,  I sent her a personalised 6 month strategy plan for the development of her personal brand online.

She said  “ This looks so good. It looks like a lot of work, but I’m going to do it.“ 


I am passionate about sharing what I’ve learnt from building a personal brand in Caribbean Tech via social media, helping over 50 Caribbean brands go digital and judging over 1,000 Caribbean Tech Startups and mentoring dozens to the launch, marketing and growth of their digitally-driven business.


Here is how my Personalised one-on-one Coaching Programme works.

For the first 30 days of the coaching

  1. You and I will have a one hour long weekly Skype Call. On our first call I will assess where you are right now and help you determine exactly what to do next and establish your key goals You will receive a personalised 3-6 month strategy plan for your brand/business. We will establish a #1 goal for the next 90 days.
  2. I will send you a summary review with action items after each call.
  3. You will be given specific tasks to takeaway from each call and prepare for the next one.
  4. I will followup with you weekly to check in on your progress and make sure you are on track.
  5. You will have premium access to me via email and WhatsApp access to ask any questions in case you get stuck at any point along the way.
  6.  For the remaining months of our partnership, our calls will be every two weeks

There are only 5 slots.

First Come. First Serve.

The Cost is US$299 | JMD$39,468 per month .

Offer ends on Tuesday July 24th, 2018 or until slots are filled.


If you want to conquer your digital fears, understand the digital trends, platforms and opportunities and learn how to position your brand/business for digital success, this is exactly what you need.

Here is where you sign up – Excited to partner with you.
Click below


-Ingrid Riley, Digital Strategist, Entrepreneur, Coach, Trend Spotter

PS” This programme is NOT for everyone. If you first response is “US$300!!! I could never afford that!”, then you are not ready

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