If you have ever tried to get data for or about the Caribbean region, you would find that, there is not one location for all the data, but an array of silos, where you then have to search and pick through to find the data you need.
Open Data Soft– A Listing of open data portals around the world.
World Bank Open Data– Graphical representation of some basic data sets from the World Development Indicators
Caribbean Organizations that are data focused
The Caribbean Open Institute primarily a research and open data advocacy organization. No data can be found on this site, just publications on research and various news articles in relation to their work.
DevCa- Developing the Caribbean an event that is held annually in Jamaica, in conjunction with the Slash Roots Foundation. Usually lead by Matthew McNaughton. (currently this site gives a unsecured warning most likely an SSL issue)
CARICOM Regional Statistics– Economic and Social data in the areas of Balance of Payments, Government Operations, Consumer Price Indices, External Debt and more. ( Excel and Adobe format for download)
CARICOM Directory of National Statistical Office — Can not forget the old faithful Statistical Offices in this list for the good old paper based or unpublished data. These offices would most likely require you to fill out a request form to determine if you will be given access the data you seek.
Digital Data sources that was found for each Caribbean Island
This is a combination listing from international Open Data organizations as well as local Open Data Repositories. (Ordered from the north most island to the southern most island. )