This is the first year of SiliconCaribe’s Caribbean Bloggers Week. It will be staged on December 5th- 10th, 2016. It’s 90 percent virtual ( see schedule of online activities here) with Blogger Meetups in Kingston, Jamaica; Port of Spain, Trinidad; New York City, USA and London, United Kingston on the final day Saturday December 10th, 2016.
Who is this for? Bloggers, Instagrammers, Youtubers, Snapchatters, Tweeters and other Digital Infuencers who are Caribbean and of Caribbean descent.
Each meetup has its own unique agenda, location and hosts. See on the Eventbrite Pages. The Bloggers Meetups are going to be oversubscribed, so get your ticket early! London and New York are almost at full capacity with Port of Spain and Kingston tickets going daily and we’re still more than a month away.
Have Your Met Our Meetup City Hosts ?

In Kingston, Jamaica is Odessa Chambers, who is publicist and film/tv producer and owner of the Lifestyle and Entertainment blog As the daughter of legendary Reggae superstar Jimmy Cliff, the o-access JAMAICA curator, has earned her stripes in the music and entertainment industry for more than a decade. A lover of music, a sharp eye for fashion, detail and excellent productions, she is a TasteMaker, seasoned Networker and astute Entertainment Executive.
Being blessed to have access to things happening in Jamaica that the average person doesn’t have and is constantly being asked from her friends, family and clients on “what a gwan” in Jamaica, Odessa decided to create o-access JAMAICA.
In Port of Spain, the Meetup host is Mel Gabriel, writer, editor and owner of which is a fashion and lifestyle publication that has re-engineered the way people interact with the Caribbean fashion industry. It is a comprehensive online directory of fashion designers, beauty technicians and lifestyle service-providers based in (or from) the Caribbean.
In New York is Mikelah Rose, who is the founder of, described as “where Caribbean meets urban culture. Covering music, fashion, beauty and culture, with the “fly caribbean-chic” in mind.” It’s a Caribbean-American lifestyle outlet with a growing loyal audience of Caribbean-American millennials.
In London is Ursula Barzey, founder of the Caribbean travel and luxury blog her blog is focused on promoting Caribbean travel and its expanding luxury lifestyle to potential visitors from the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. The blog also encourages inter-regional travel.
How To Attend the Caribbean Bloggers Meetups
Get your Caribbean Blogger Meetup – London tickets here
Get your Caribbean Blogger Meetup – New York City tickets here
Get your Caribbean Blogger Meetup – Port of Spain tickets here
Get your Caribbean Blogger Meetup – Kingston tickets here
All attendees must register their blogs in our Caribbean Blog Directory here
Caribbean Bloggers Week starts in 24 Days on December 5th-10th, 2016
The Caribbean Blogger Meetups happen on Saturday December 10th, one month from today!
We’re pretty damn excited!