Tech News

The Second Startup Weekend Havana Happening early August this year!



The second is planned for Startup Weekend Havana August 5-7 in Havana. Startup Weekend organizes high-impact, experiential events that foster entrepreneurship and community building in every corner of the world. As of last year, the organization hosted 200,00 budding entrepreneurs at 2,900 Startup
Weekend events, in 501 cities, and in 150 countries. The organization’s 54-hour.

The event is where designers, developers, marketers, and startup enthusiasts come together to share ideas, form teams, and launch startups. Startup Weekend Havana is organized locally by Merchise . As a media partner, the Cuba Journal covered last year’s event and published and Merchise’s roots to some of Cuba’s earliest technologists.

The events developed from two “digital meetups” early last year that explored the appetite for a Cuban tech/entrepreneur event in Havana. Turns out, there is a great deal of interest in the topic, as evidenced by the fact that attendance for last year’s first Startup Weekend Havana was over capacity.

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