What a difference a year makes! Last year June, we updated our findings of most downloaded free software applications (apps) for the Apple iPhone in the Caribbean. In this article, we update those findings. Again, these apps would have been downloaded from the Apple Store, and the data collected was drawn from a number of sources, such as iOSappstats and App Annie, as at 21 Aprl 2016.
In our last review, Snapchat was nowhere on the list; now it is within the top three most downloaded apps for the iPhone in most Caribbean countries. Launched in September 2011, Snapchat began to gain prominence around 2 years ago, and now has over 100 million daily active subscribers, especially those in the 13–34 age demographic (Source: Snapchat). The app is somewhat similar to other instant messaging services, but the ‘snaps’, which could be text, images or video messages, are only accessible for a fixed period of time. Thereafter, they disappear.
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