We get asked every few days where can I find app developers, do you know where some good bloggers can be found, are there any Women in Tech Groups? The answer is always they are all online- mostly between Facebook and Linkedin. Having been asked the questions continuously was why we chose to create resources here at SiliconCaribe.com
Here is a short list of the ones we know about.
Caribbean Tech Community | http://bit.ly/1YGuWTn
This is a list of links to groups ranging from Developers, Bloggers, Animators and Entrepreneurs. If you know of any online groups that are not listed, do send us the info at siliconcaribe@gmail.com
Caribbean Innovation Hubs | http://bit.ly/1XwS61i
A list of Caribbean Accelerators and Innovation Hubs
Caribbean Startup & Blog Directory | http://bit.ly/1l6BSLe
We have a growing list of Startups and Blogs. Add yours to the list.