Reel Rock Launch
On Tuesday September 11, 2012 there will be a conference, The Global Animation Industry US$50 Billion and Growing – Jamaica Secures its Place” in the Grand Caribbean Suite, The Knutsford Court Hotel. It is staged by Reel Rock Animation Studio which will be officially launching its studio. It’s headed by founding directors; Lorna Green, Wayne Sinclair and Fayval Williams who combined, have over 75 years of combined experience in the areas of information technology, music and film production and finance.
Here’s the Agenda:
8:30 am to 10:00 am – Official Opening with keynote speaker Minister Phillip Paulwell. Among the speakers will be Mrs. Joan Vogelesang, President and CEO of Toon Boom Animation, Mr. Joel Kuwahara of Bento Box studios and Mr. Rick McElrea of the Canadian High Commission .
10:00 am to 12:00 noon – “Financing the Business of Animation” Presentations by representatives of the EXIM Bank and the Development Bank of Jamaica (DBJ) – followed by a Question & Answer session.
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm – “The Business of Animation – Strategies and Case Studies” Presentations and roundtable discussions. Panelists include Mr. Wayne Sinclair of Reel Rock GSW, Ms. Joan Webley, Intellectual Property Lawyer (JIPO), Ms. Joan Vogelesang, Presedent and CEO of Toon Boom Animation, Mr. Joel Kuwahara, Founder and Principal of Bento Box Studios and Ms. Kim-Marie Spence, Film Commissioner (JAMPRO). This will be an interactive Question & Answer session.