Even though I was not invited to LIME’s Mobile TV launch, my sister owns a LIME store in Liguanea, I am a LIME college scholarship winner from when it was called TOJ and I’ve owned a Digicel Blackberry for years, I can certainly appreciate when things are done well and make you stop and go hmmmmm.
That said, there is more that meets the current eye regarding this Mobile TV launch. The journalist side of me is super curious to confirm what I have been told is also coming…but in the mean time I am loving the LIME TV Ads that I just discovered on Facebook but which are housed on the Anyhoo Productions Vimeo site. They are the ones who did them and they are smart and funny as hell. I’ve been saying for a while, can we move away from the song and dance in our telecoms marketing and try something different. Yep, LIME scores with this one, big time. Watch them all here. My personal favourite is the “CSI Spoof “and also ” Run a Boat”.
Special Request: Please make the videos embeddable.
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