Tech News

From the Traditional to the Digital..change your mindset to win with your customers.



Traditional companies and people who’ve been in business for a while can’t seem to wrap their heads around the fact that,they don’t control the message of their brand anymore, that it’s their fans and consumers who do. I’ve been saying it for a while in workshops and client meetings and will say it again here.

The Customer is in Control. The Customer has more Choices than ever before, so you need to listen to them so they can tell you how you can attract and retain their attention, get their cash and recommendations. Traditional companies need to now understand that’s it’s how you respond to it all, is what matters.

So stop asking me, other social media strategists and agencies to make your video go viral and get  a million hits in 60 days ( yes people still use the word hits when we moved on to views and unique viewers years ago). How about asking yourself, WHY do you want a million views and WHAT will it mean when you do? How about asking yourself if your video could be classified as great content that will engage the audience you are targeting. Note the phrases ” great content” and “targeting.”


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