
I finally joined FourSquare



…ok so I’ve been ignoring it for a hot minute even though some tech heads around me has been going mad about it. Then at re:CONNECT the trend briefing and working my company staged last week, a dude told me that he personally put 50 Jamaican locations on FourSQuare.com and is thinking about how to leverage that to make money. I think I know someone, a local entity who has beat him to it, but I can’t say much right now.

So I joined FourSqaure today. First thing I did was to find out how many of my 918 Facebook friends were using FourSquare. That numbered a total of 16, 4 of whom live in the United States, the rest, right here in Kingston, Jamaica. Then I downloaded the app to my Blackberry, like I need any more distractions on my own. I already have 5 twitter feeds on Ubertwitter. But, I’ve decided to try this on. I’m now using the Blackberry App to see who and what’s near me.  I’ll let you know how  I feel about this in a week or two. BUt in the meantime – have you joined? What do you like or not like about it?



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