Tech News vs Content will always be King



There are two Jamaica magazine sites that are focused on fashion and vying for local and global attention.They are and  Both have great potential; neither of them is realizing it. is using a WordPress blog as its publishing engine, which is a great choice, but things go down hill from there. has loads of content – lots of articles, profiles, pictures- cool stuff, but it’s a pain to try and read it. The site content was thrown together in a manner where site readers have to fight to figure out where to start because the site is jarring. There is no system, structure and purpose to the Content. And if you’re not giving your readers a good user and reading experience, they won’t come back and they’ll tell their friends not to either. on the other hand uses I believe Drupal or Joomla as it’s publishing engine, is an easy to use, easy to read site, but the Content is weak. There is structure and a system but the site is boring and not nearly as dynamic as they can be. They seem not to add or change the site Content very often so their visitor plus the over 1000 of their Facebook friends have little to come back for or tell their friends about.

What is Good Content?

The information on a website is what is called Content. The information can be in the form of text, audio, and video. It can be user generated as in forums, blogs, uploaded pictures and videos or it can be provided and archived as articles, news, audio and video clips as well. Generally the more useful and interesting content a website has the more successful it will be. This is because more people will want to visit it again and again, this is especially true if a website is constantly adding more and more content on a regular basis be it articles, news and opinion or whatever.

Now you know content is king but do you know what good content is? Well the first trick to creating good content for your website is to be sure that your content will have specific appeal to your target audience.

Next you want original content, if someone asked me what I considered good content I’d say that it was content that’s different and unique and not the same as the content on the other website I just came from.

Good content will show originality, personality, flavour and be relevance to the individuals visiting the site. It will be interesting and very informative, if it’s not what’s the point of putting it online in the first place, nobody will benefit from it and it won’t help you get more repeat visitors.

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