Tech News

JamaicanSayings – Another Jamaican Facebook App Goes Live



Jamaica- They’re at it a caribbean social community owned by web entrepreneur Jamie Ranston, has launched JamaicanSayings a facebook app that teaches you how to speak Jamaican through the use of popularwords and phrases. jamaicanSayings is the second facebook app developed and launched in the last 6o days. The first one was JamaicanJokes developed which invitedto facebook users to get their “belly full of laughs with a random Jamaican joke on your profile page everyday..and because of the range of jokes, it had a warning-it’s for adults 18 years and over only. That facebook app was developed by Sandor Panton, web entrepreneur,search engine optimisation consultant.

We like this trend of facebook apps from the Caribbean, we got great mind and talent here.Cheers to covering more of this in the next few months. We also recommend that because it’s in Miami, what we Jamaicans call Kingston 21 because so many Jamaicans live and do business there, Future of Web Apps Miami is on February 28-March 1, 2008. This is a great opportunity to get trend information and first hand know how on building and profiting from web apps.



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