Florida- And the Caribbean social networks just keep coming…and now there’s www.thecaribvibe.com, which brands itself as a site for anyone who enjoys Caribbean vacations, food, music, culture, and business networking.
Launched on October 7, 2007, had an exciting launch at the Miami Caribbean Carnival Weekend at Bicentennial Park, Broward, and South Beach, Florida. The online community offers “up-to-Date Caribbean Video, Radio, and Caribbean News Feeds to people across the globe, additionally users can create their own Video Chat Room, Club, or Networking Group” in addition to “creating their own Carib Space from 5 pre-defined layout templates.”
Other online communities are:
caribbeanmassive.com,idletribes.com,caribfriends.com,caribplanet.com, vibesconnect.com,ackee.com,Jamaicans.com
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