Israel- Someone pinch me. Now you know there has been a lot of design tools that promises “no need to have programming skills” but they all have some shortcoming-most glaring three are 1. you’ll see all sorts of ads on your websites and that’s just not cute; 2. you’ll be asked to pay some monthly fee; and 3 you’ll have some long domain that made you wonder why did I bother to sign up.
Well Israel-based, yeah you read that right, Israel-based Wix.com have thrown their hat into the ring. They are in private beta(sign up and hope they send you an invite) but claimes to allow uers that ability to create flash-based websites without programming skills and publish those sites anywhere on the web. The output can also be widgetized and published on social networks.
We signed up to be selected to test drive this baby, so when (we are projecting major confidence here) we get our invite and do the test drive, we’ll post our review.
Previou story: Web Development Industry in Jamaica heading for a shake up