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Is the online forex trading fever the 90s day trading disaster in waiting?



Jamaica- Jamaica leads the island in the forex fever. It was started by Olint, being fed by the Ceo’s training entity, MTI traders. And no they’re mushrooming investment clubs, forex trading platforms service. Since running the stories “Jamaican online fx trader blogs his journey to fx riches and Capitalor-Swedish forex company targets Jamaica. The Ceo Interview” the response has been fast and in a flood. We’re still sent new information daily about investment clubs and other companies targeting Jamaicans. There’s Worldwise,,

Why is Jamaica such a hot forex target?

  1. Jamaicans are sent over US$1 billion in remittances yearly, from a US based Diaspora with an annual spending power of in excess of US$50billion.
  2. Jamaicans much prefer the hard USD than their own JaDollar anyday.
  3. Jamaicans have grown more risk friendly and crave better returns on their hard earnings.
  4. Jamaicans are hungry for any information that will allow them to make more money.

Two questionsBut I keep asking, just how many Jamaicans will or are trading forex themselves? And will the fever die and give way to a few simply a few talented forex traders who had the USD to pay MTI and others to learn, the guts to continue and the desire to set up more I’ll trade your forex cash for you type investment services?

Day trading stocks But still reminds a few people of the Day trading madness in the 1990s, that boomed and busted. It seems that while day trading back them was about the stock market, online forex trading is about the forex market.

Back then just like now there was an increased awareness of how the stock market works, how the average person can tap into what’s making the big guys rich. It started with a few people who had made quite a bit of dosh, some rode that ticket by offering the education angle- let’s teach you how to day trade and others day traded themselves. The buzz grew so much that people were leaving their jobs to stay home and day trade on the stock exchange. It all ended in a nasty little crash and we haven’t heard much of day trading culture since.

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