That's me holding and salivating over the Blackberry PLaybook
Exclusive: I love it when things come together. I was hanging out in the Jamaica Tourist Board Booth at Caribbean Marketplace the Tourism Trade Show in Montego Bay which is playing host to 1400 delegates from 30 countries in what I also call the Sales Olympics for the Tourism Industry. So I was there and the Digicel people brought in the representative from…hold your breath…RIM…yes the people that have made us into blackberry addicts. It’s why I got to hold and play with the prototype of….drum roll…the Blackberry Playbook that will be out in US in March and worldwide in APril. One word. Breathtaking. On Two Words. Yummy. Thanks to Valerie Powell, Consumer Business Development Manager for Latin America for giving me the touch and play demo.
The marketing team from JTB headed by David Shields, Deputy Director of Tourism,Marketing and Sophia Wilson who runs the Website/ecommerce department for Visitjamaica.com became instant fan boy and fan girl as well.

David Shields, Director of Marketing, Jamaica Tourist Board checking out the touch screen keyboard
Additionally, based on my meeting with Ms Powell, a couple of Jamaica government entities are in talks with RIM to develop apps for their area of focus for the Jamaica and Caribbean Market. Exciting stuff!