We’ve been reporting on the Forex trading and investment fever in Jamaica since our site went live two months ago and to date, they remain our most read blog posts. Then we happened on a site and its publisher- cashplusinvestment.com a site that chronicles and gives indepth information on investment clubs of all kinds, updating regularly. It’s a pretty good online resource. There is where you can see who will be the winners and losers I think. A site to bookmark.
SC: What’s your mission/intention for this site?C+: I am based in Kingston actually. My mission is to inform the Jamaican people as well as the Diaspora about these investment clubs/schemes. To some it’s a good way to make money in a country starved for investment. To others it’s a system that is built on clever loopholes around the law and is bound to crash, bringing many people and their interest to their knees. To me it’s both, used wisely, people can make huge sums of money and get out if and when the collapse occurs.Previous Related StoriesForex Fever growing and growing in JamaicaJamaican onlinefx trader blogs his journey to fx riches Is the online forex trading fever the 90s day trading disaster in waiting Capitalor, Swedish forex company targets Jamaica- the CEO interview
SC: How did the site get started?
C+: This site started as practice for my basic internet knowledge. Building “websites” from the ground up using existing internet products, this was and is one of my goals. I chose a topic that can help inform Jamaicans as well as myself. Also I found that there was a void on the web with regards to information on investment clubs. Many people in Jamaica think this is a totally new idea and don’t know that this type of business existed years before. I have included a history of many of these schemes on the page “ARTICLES”. That does not mean that is where our clubs are headed but it’s always good to know these things. When I first started the information was very hard to come by. Lots of word of mouth and hearsays, it still is but not as much since these clubs have been getting alot of spotlight.
SC: Are you being endorsed by any of the investment clubs/schemes?
C+: Currently I am not being endorsed by anyone or any entity so this is somewhat pro bono.
SC: Do you have a business model for the site? We see the google ads, affiliate programmes and contextual links on the site now.
C+: This I wouldn’t call a business, my model is to just follow the news and keep my ear to ground and share what I know. There is a wealth of information left to cover but i have no time. Since I still have to eat so I have to maintain my day job.
SC: Are you invested with any of the investment clubs that you chronicle?
C+: I have not invested in any of these clubs as yet. Once I have acquired enough money that I am willing to lose I will. Not being in it directly has not hindered my views on the clubs as I have many friends and relatives involved who are more than willing to share their stories. I also have a circle of investment advisor’s who write articles now and again and also well educated people who give views on the matter. Right now I am working on a theory to see if we can calculate when/if these clubs will crash…again time is a constraint.
SC: How long has the site been up and what’s been the response?C+: The site has been up for a month now and is creating a buzz, many people come to the site to ask one question “how can they invest”. This information is also provided on the site. The level of traffic to the site is relative to the number of people in Jamaica who have an internet connection and use this medium as a means of obtaining information. No investment club has responded to the site as yet. But I’m sure they are keeping an eye on us.
Previous storiesForex Fever growing and growing in JamaicaJamaican onlinefx trader blogs his journey to fx riches Is the online forex trading fever the 90s day trading disaster in waiting Capitalor, Swedish forex company targets Jamaica- the CEO interview